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Experts say human impact on Earth so profound that Holocene must give way to epoch defined by nuclear tests, plastic pollution and domesticated chicken.
The new epoch should begin aboutthe experts said, and was likely to be defined by the radioactive elements dispersed across the planet by nuclear bomb tests, although an array of other signals, including plastic pollution, impact of human activities on the city from power stations, concrete, and even the bones left by the global proliferation of the domestic chicken were now under consideration. The current epoch, the Holocene, is the 12, years of stable climate since the last ice age during which all human civilisation developed.
But the striking acceleration since the midth century of carbon dioxide emissions and sea level rise, the global mass extinction of species, and the transformation of land by deforestation and development mark the end of that slice of geological time, the experts argue. The Earth is so profoundly changed that the Holocene must give way to the Anthropocene. The concept of the Anthropocene manages to pull all these ideas of environmental change together. If you or I were crew on a smaller spacecraft, it would be unthinkable to interfere with the systems that provide us with air, water, fodder and climate control.
But the shift into the Anthropocene tells us that we are playing with fire, a potentially reckless mode of behaviour which we are likely to come to regret unless we get a grip on the situation.
Martin Rees, the astronomer royal and former president of the Royal Society, impact of human activities on the city, said that the dawn of the Anthropocene was a significant moment.
But Lord Rees added that there is also cause for optimism. The dawn of the Anthropocene epoch would then mark a one-off transformation from a natural world to one where humans jumpstart the transition to electronic and potentially immortal entities, that transcend our limitations and eventually spread their influence far beyond the Earth. To define a new geological epoch, a signal must be found that occurs globally and will be incorporated into deposits impact of human activities on the city the future geological record.
For the Anthropocene, the best candidate for such a golden spike are radioactive elements from nuclear bomb tests, which were blown into the stratosphere before settling down to Earth. There are so many signals.
Other spikes being considered as evidence of the onset of the Anthropocene include the tough, impact of human activities on the city, unburned carbon spheres emitted by power stations. Other candidates include plastic pollution, aluminium and concrete particles, and high levels of nitrogen and phosphate in soils, derived from artificial fertilisers.
Although the world is currently seeing only the sixth mass extinction of species in the m-year history of complex life on Earth, this is unlikely to provide a useful golden spike as the animals are by definition very rare and rarely dispersed worldwide.
In contrast, some species have with human help spread rapidly across the world. The domestic chicken is a serious contender to be a fossil that defines the Anthropocene for future geologists. The 35 scientists on the WGA — who voted 30 to three in favour of formally designating the Anthropocene, with two abstentions — will now spend the next two to three years determining which signals are the strongest and sharpest. Crucially, they must also decide a location which will define the start of the Anthropocene.
Geological divisions are not defined by dates but by a specific boundary between layers of rock or, in the case of the Holocene, a boundary between two ice layers in a core taken from Greenland and now stored in Denmark. The scientists are focusing on sites where annual layers are impact of human activities on the city and are investigating mud sediments off the coast of Santa Barbara in California and the Ernesto cave in northern Italy, where stalactites and stalagmites accrete annual rings.
Lake sediments, ice cores from Antarctica, corals, tree rings and even layers of rubbish in landfill sites are also being considered. Once the data has been assembled, it will be formally submitted to the stratigraphic authorities and the Anthropocene could be officially adopted within a few years. This would be lightning speed for such a geological decision, which in the past would have taken decades and even centuries to make.
The term Anthropocene was coined only inby the Nobel prize-winning scientist Paul Crutzen, who believes the name change is overdue. This article impact of human activities on the city more than 5 years old. Nuclear test explosion in Mururoa atoll, French Polynesia, in The official expert group says the Anthropocene should begin about and is likely to be defined by the radioactive elements dispersed across Earth by nuclear bomb tests, impact of human activities on the city.
The Anthropocene epoch could inaugurate even more marvellous eras of evolution. Read more. How the domestic chicken rose to define the Anthropocene. Topics Geology Climate crisis Pollution Nuclear waste Waste Wildlife Climate science news.
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Top 10 Impacts of Human Activity on the Earth
, time: 35:45Technology and human rights | OpenGlobalRights

Jan 01, · Impact of climate change on human infectious diseases: Empirical evidence and human adaptation there is a general recognition of an on-going global climate change and the non-minor role of human activities during this process which usually breeds underground in the nasty water pools in city drains and catch basins Learn about Bloomberg L.P.’s approach to sustainability and how we’re reducing our carbon emissions and supporting climate action Standard search will find words which occur next to each other as a blogger.com more infromation read Search Tips and Using Search
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