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Slavery reparation essay

Slavery reparation essay

slavery reparation essay

Slavery Reparations: A Call For Justice. The supreme court of ordered the federal government to pay Native American Tribes $ million dollars to compensate for the slaughter and illegal seizure of tribal lands in ; Shortly after, the congress of then consented to the payment of $ billion dollars to Japanese-American citizens who had been held captive at the prison camps during WW2 Essay. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. In the s, there was the universal need for the colonist to pay for the damages they caused the Africans during the colonial period. Similarly, there was an identified need for the Native Americans to be compensated for the slavery and ill-treatment they were exposed to Slavery Reparation Essay Slavery Reparation At some point in history slavery has plagued every nation on the planet. Countless governments have allowed the complete control of African Americans for the benefit of other people, usually Caucasians, under the pretention of

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Many people today do not believe that they should have to pay for something they were not even involved in long ago, but the fact is African-Americans were promised by the U.

Government some type of reparation for slavery and it was never received by slaves. I believe that the ancestors of former slaves should receive money for their family members going through this period of time. Just as when a person dies, his or her family receives what was left behind. Blacks could not accumulate assets that could be passed on from generation to generation as years went by. Therefore families of former slaves should get the reparations promised out of respect for their ancestors.

Before Slavery reparation essay began put this idea in your head: many Africans were taken from the only place they knew. Their families, the slavery reparation essay, and a different culture, had to be learned.

Blacks were promised 40 acres and a mule after slavery, but that was not given. Why should the government make a promise that it does not keep? Why should the government tell someone that he or she will receive something and that person never gets it? On the other hand the United States Government also promised to pay reparations to the Japanese-Americans who were detained in concentration camps during WWII.

Reparations are a promise to keep. Many black Americans are not asking for money, but most are asking for slavery reparation essay apology. Reparations often include the payments of money or the return of property to individuals or groups. Others forms of reparations include formal apologies and changes in government policy. Historically, reparations have been payments that victorious nations demanded from defeated nations after a war.

However, slavery reparation essay, reparations of this kind have become unpopular because they can lead to resentment and further fighting. This agreement became a model for later reparations demands Copper.

The United States of America government has been slavery reparation essay in pressuring the German and Japanese governments into the payments of reparations to the people who suffered and survived the crimes and legacy of slavery angelfire.

If our own government can pressure other countries to pay for slavery then what does that say about America? Due to the history books everyone knows that the last slave ship arrived in the U, slavery reparation essay. in adversity, slavery reparation essay. Although this statement is true; however after and during this period blacks were being breaded like they were dogs.

It is also slavery reparation essay shown that some white ancestors arrived in the U, slavery reparation essay. S after adversity. population owned slaves. Should only slavery reparation essay white descendants of slaveholders have to finance these reparations? My answers to these questions are yes and no. Many lawsuits are being formed against such corporations like Aetna Insurance, and Norfolk southern corporations.

This is only two out of the hundreds that were involved. Aetna Insurance sold policies to white people so that they could recover when their slaves ran away Copper. So not only should the former slave owners should pay, but big corporations that assisted in helping the slave owners.

Opponents of reparation argue that all newcomers to the United States have faced some sort of discrimination. However, American slavery was based on race news. Similar ones were filed on behalf of the Japanese-Americans interned during World Slavery reparation essay II and Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

When slavery was abolished inthousands of white union soldiers died fighting for the abolition of slavery. Should the descendants of the soldiers who fought to end slavery, many of whom were injured, maimed or killed, should they be paid reparation, too?

et To answer this question the military paid them for their troubles. No money was given to the former slaves for their troubles, slavery reparation essay. Japanese-Americans interred in slavery reparation essay in the U. The argument is: Inthe U. slave trade receive similar compensation?

et Of course, the situation may be different in some ways but, why should the Japanese be paid and African-Americans not? First, of the entire situation is not right. However the government did promise former slaves compensation for the pain that they endured during the slavery days.

Economically, many say that is too late to pay reparations, but something needs to be done. Many believe that slavery reparation essay is too old, slavery reparation essay. Some say it happened, and even through it was wrong, slavery reparation essay, its over. The fact is the emancipation of slaves brought freedom, but not parity, slavery reparation essay. The civil rights movement knocked down the Jim Crow laws, but racism still remained.

Affirmative action may have created opportunity, but not enough, slavery reparation essay. African Americans slavery reparation essay to suffer even through slavery has ended. Even though the slave days slavery reparation essay ended, the racism that was left behind can still be felt till this day. Some examples include racial profiling either on the job or by the police. This is also for the number of black men that are incarcerated.

Before I officially close this paper I have to ask this one last question: Why should minorities or other nations for that fact put their trust in a country that cannot honor their word. I'm Edwin! Would you like to get a custom essay? How about receiving a customized one?

Skip to content Many people today do not believe that they should have to pay for something they were not even involved in long ago, but the fact is African-Americans were promised by the U.

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slavery reparation essay

Reparations For African Americans Essay. Words4 Pages. America has a wrongful history where Whites created slavery to enslave people of color. They have also mentally and physically abuse Blacks as resulted for them to fear for their lives on a daily basis. The government as well made sure they excluded Blacks from prospering within America. Families of color have to struggle due to unfair Slavery Reparations: A Call For Justice. The supreme court of ordered the federal government to pay Native American Tribes $ million dollars to compensate for the slaughter and illegal seizure of tribal lands in ; Shortly after, the congress of then consented to the payment of $ billion dollars to Japanese-American citizens who had been held captive at the prison camps during WW2 Essay on Reparations For African Slavery U.s. Slavery Reparations. Should African Americans Receive Reparations? Racism and hate have played a major role in Reparations For Slavery: Slavery. Reparations for Slavery? Harriet Tubman once said, “Now I 've been free, I know what Reparations For

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